IPSec between OpenBSD and Mac OS X Howto
This Howto will give some basics about how to setup a roadwarrior style IPSec VPN between your OpenBSD gateway, and your road-warrior Mac OS X machine.
What is road warrior? – This means your IP is changing all the time. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you carry bazookas to a knife fight on the road.
Configuring OpenBSD
Edit your /etc/rc.conf to contain the following:
Create the file /etc/ipsec.conf . Here’s what mine looks like… Kinda.
ike passive from any to any \
main auth hmac-sha1 enc aes group modp1024 \
quick auth hmac-sha1 enc aes psk YOURSHAREDKEYHERE
Run the following command to get the ipsecctl command to configure your ISAKMPD using the /etc/ipsec.conf file we just created
ipsecctl -f /etc/ipsec.conf
Configuring Mac OS X
First download IPSecuritas from Lobotomo Software
Import the following config file, and be sure to change the line: sainfo subnet any subnet any to your local IP, and remote Subnet you want access to.
log notify; path pre_shared_key "/Library/Application Support/Lobotomo Software/IPSecuritas/psk.txt"; path certificate "/Library/Application Support/Lobotomo Software/IPSecuritas/certs"; padding { maximum_length 20; randomize on; strict_check off; exclusive_tail on; } timer { counter 5; interval 5 seconds; persend 1; phase1 15 seconds; phase2 15 seconds; } # Connection "OpenBSD Gateway" remote { verify_cert off; verify_identifier off; initial_contact on; passive off; support_proxy off; generate_policy off; verify_cert off; send_cert on; send_cr on; mode_cfg off; ike_frag on; doi ipsec_doi; situation identity_only; nat_traversal off; exchange_mode main; proposal_check obey; nonce_size 16; my_identifier address; peers_identifier address; proposal { lifetime time 1800 seconds; encryption_algorithm aes 256; hash_algorithm sha1; authentication_method pre_shared_key; dh_group modp1024; } } sainfo subnet any subnet any { lifetime time 1800 seconds; pfs_group modp1024; encryption_algorithm des, 3des, aes 256, aes 192, aes 128; authentication_algorithm hmac_md5, hmac_sha256; compression_algorithm deflate; } listen { isakmp [500]; isakmp_natt [4500]; adminsock "/Library/Application Support/Lobotomo Software/IPSecuritas/admin.sock"; }
You should be in really good shape from this point.